[Sing! Rehearsals] Concert Info!

This Week

Dear Sing!ers This week, we will meet in the Hall and not the Recital Room at Hills Rd 6th Form College, from 7:30 – 9:15 on Thursday 28th November. We will be recapping Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake, Living on a Prayer, Don't Stop Me Now and Never Gonna Not Dance again, as well as finishing off learning our split songs: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and Joy to the World. This week it will be Sopranos' turn to bring treats. There is a lot to learn and some of these we haven't practised for a while so do refresh your memories please. 

Important concert info!

Concert info document: Everything you need to know about our Christmas concert is here! Please read carefully! 

Dress codePlease wear block shades of red and black (no logos or patterns in other colours) and aim for smart rather than casual (e.g. dress shoes rather than trainers, a collared shirt & tie rather than a polo shirt etc). For example:

  • Plain red top or shirt, with black trousers/skirt and black shoes
  • Black dress, tights and shoes, with red accessories
  • Red dress with black accessories, tights and shoes
  • Black shirt and trousers with red tie

Concert sign-up sheet: The sign up sheet is here. Please sign-up by this Friday 29th November to make sure your name is in the programme and to volunteer for jobs that need doing to make the concert happen. 

Spread the word about the concert:

Mill Road Winter Fair

As you know, we are performing as part of Mill Road Winter Fair on Saturday 7th December. A reminder of the key details:

For those who haven't been to this event before, Mill Road is closed and the fair lasts all day. It's good fun to look around, there are lots of small performances, food and craft stalls etc, but please note that the road gets very busy and you can't drive or cycle down it, so leave enough time to get to the venue!

  • Time and place: 2pm at St Philip's Church, Mill Road
  • Setlist: A mix of our own repertoire and some sing along carols
  • Dresscode: Wear whatever you like, the Christmassier the better! 
That's all for now! 
Lots of love, the Sing! Team. 

[Sing! Rehearsals] Please help spread the word about our Christmas concert: “Let it Snow”

Hello lovely Sing!ers!
Tickets for our concert are now available, and we need your help to publicise it!

WhatsApp Image 2024-11-10 at 16.11.38_23863569.jpg

There are three things you can do to help:

1. Encourage friends and family to come along!
Send them a link to https://singcommunitychoir.co.uk/event/christmas-concert-2024 where they can find out more and buy tickets. 
2. Share leaflets / posters at workplaces / schools / etc.
At the rehearsals, I will have printed A5 leaflets and A4 posters for you to share with friends and colleagues. Start thinking about where you could display them for maximum effect!
(You can also print your own leaflets and posters: Find the PDF files in Google Drive)
3. Share our social media posts (or create your own)
Please use your Facebook, Instagram or X accounts to share the social media posts that have been posted about about the concert
(We also have a JPEG image version of our poster for your own social media posts.)
Much Sing! love!

[Sing! Rehearsals] All tracks are online – please practise!

Dear Sing! choir, 

This week we will be meeting in the Recital Room at Hills Rd 6th Form College on Thursday 21st November from 7:30-9:15 as usual. We will be recapping Winter Song and finishing off learning Let It Snow and Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake. The part tracks for Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake are now on the drive so please listen to them and practise. This means that all tracks for all songs are now available and with less than a month to go before our concert on 14th December, we would urge you to start refreshing your memories with all songs so that we don't leave all the learning to the last minute. 
This week, it will be the Altos turn to bring snacks. 
Concert Sign Up Sheet
There are 2 tabs on the sheet. Please look at both! We need everybody to put their name down for the programme please. But we also need lots of volunteers for a range of jobs on the day and afterwards, for example serving refreshments (non-choir members) and helping with staging, as well as things like video editing. 
Message from Emma: Gift for Bethany and her baby
As I mentioned at rehearsal last week, I’ve started a collection pot for any choir members who would like to contribute to a gift for Bethany, who has just had her baby!
There's absolutely no expectation to take part, but if you would like to, please click the link below. It will be a cash gift from us to her with the idea being that the money can be spent on whatever she needs. Of course, if you would rather give her something separate that’s absolutely fine too. (I know some choir members have already given her gifts so please don't feel you have to contribute again!)
Any money is very welcome so please click the link to give what you can. You can leave a message there as well.
NB Just to let you know collection pot.com will ask you to top up your donation as an admin fee but you only need to do this by about 40p for every £10 so don’t be tricked into giving more than that with their tricksy suggested donations. I can always top up the donations as extra for the admin fee if needed. 
I thought this would be easier than using private bank accounts, and when the collection closes on the **last day of November**, the money will be transferred over.
If the idea of navigating this website is too unwieldy, you’re very welcome to give cash in person as an alternative, which I’ll transfer over. 
Thank you, everybody!
Emma Hatton
That's all for this week, see you on Thursday!
Love, the Sing! team. 

[Sing! Rehearsals] Concert Name and Charity – The Results are In!

Dear Sing!ers, 

This week we will be meeting in the Recital Room at Hills Rd 6th Form College from 7:30 – 9:15 on Thursday 14th November. We will be recapping Hallelujah for Today, then we will learn some more of the Winter Song and finally our Split Songs: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and Joy to the World. If you weren't at the rehearsal last week, please check the list here to see which mini choir you will be singing in. 
There is no need to bring snacks this week as we have another large backlog! 
Concert Charity Poll: Results

Our concert will be called 'Let It Snow' and the charity supported will be 'It Takes a City'.

Longer Rehearsal Dates

In the run-up to the concert, we have 2 longer rehearsals in order to run through all of our songs, so please put Thursday 5th and 12th December into your diaries as we will be rehearsing from 7 – 9:30.

That's all for this week! 

All the best, Sing! Team. 

[Sing! Rehearsals] Split Songs and Concert Poll

Dear Sing!ers, 

Welcome back this week after our half term break. There are lots of links in this email – please check them all out!
This Week's Rehearsal
We will be meeting at Hills Rd 6th Form college in the Recital Room this Thursday 7th November from 7:30-9:15. We will start by recapping Let It Snow. We are learning some more of Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake, which has some challenging lyrics and rhythms, so please make sure you listen to the new track here and practise before you come. 
Split Songs
Finally, we have some new split songs to learn: Joy to the World and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. This is where we split the choir into 2 groups to experience singing in a smaller group. Previously we've split ourselves into Sop/Alto and Tenor/Bass, but this time we'll be splitting into two equal choirs each made up of SATB. So please check this list here to find out which song you are going to be singing before the rehearsal on Thursday. 

This week it will be Tenors' and Basses' turn to bring snacks. 

Concert Charity Poll
Please vote on both your preferred concert name (as suggested by choir members) and the charity which we will support. This year, the committee has come up with 2 suggestions for you to choose from. Use the link to a poll here by Friday 8th November to vote for your favourites!

Solo Opportunity
There is still a chance to sing a solo in Mrs Fogarty's Christmas Cake. There are 2 solos, which would suit either a Tenor or Soprano voice. Please reply to this email if you would like to have the opportunity. 

That's all for this week – we look forward to seeing you all again on Thursday!

All the best, the Sing! Team

[Sing! Rehearsals] No Rehearsal today

Dear Singers, 

Please remember that we are currently taking a break this week for half term and we will be back at Hills Rd as normal next week, Thursday 7th November.
All the best, 
the Sing! Team. 

[Sing! Rehearsals] Call for Charity and Concert Name Suggestions!

Dear Singers, 

This week, we will be meeting as usual on Thursday 24th October in the Recital Room at Hills Rd 6th Form college from 7:30 – 9:15 before having a break next week for half term. We are going to learn a new song: Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake followed by learning some more of Let It Snow and Winter Song

This week it is the Sopranos' turn to bring snacks please. 
There is still no update on the QR code situation so continue as normal please. 

Suggestions for concert name and charity to support

We are now open to suggestions from choir members of:

a) A charity to support with the profits from our concert

b) A name for the concert

Charity: If you'd like to nominate a charity for us to support, please write a short paragraph (max. 150 words) to describe what the charity does and any personal link you have to it, plus a link to its website. 

Concert name: We usually give each concert a name to help with publicity. This is often drawn from a song title or lyric that we're singing. Have a look at this term's lyrics sheet if you'd like some inspiration! 

Please email any suggestions to singcommunitychoir@gmail.com by Tuesday 29th October. We may shortlist suggestions if we get a lot. Then look out for a poll next week to vote for your favourites!

That's all for this week,

See you on Thursday!

Love, the Sing! Team.

[Sing! Rehearsals] Rehearsal this week

Dear Sing!ers, 

We will be meeting as usual this Thursday 17th October in the Recital Room at Hills Rd 6th Form college from 7:30 – 9:15. We will have 2 longer teaching slots for 2 new songs: Winter Song and Let It Snow! 
This week it is the Altos turn to bring snacks please. 

1. Another Call for cabaret acts for concert on Saturday 14th Dec!

We are still short of cabaret acts for the concert so please do let us know if you'd like to do one. They are usually songs performed as a solo, duet or small group, rather than by the whole choir. They provide variety in the concert programme and give a chance for smaller groups to showcase their talent!  

If you’re interested in offering a cabaret act, please email musicteam@singcommunitychoir.co.uk by end of Sunday 20th October, letting us know what song you’d like to do and roughly how many people will be involved. 

If you need to recruit other singers, please make an initial effort to do this before putting your idea forward (e.g. chat to others at rehearsals or post in our Facebook group). Also do think about what will be realistic to get together to a good standard in the time you have available. We’ll be in touch after the deadline to confirm which acts will be in the concert!

2. Jazz Festival: choir workshop

Here's a message from Jon: 'There's a choir workshop coming up as part of the Cambridge Jazz Festival on Saturday 16th November at the Junction, J2 from 1-3pm. 

Andi is a member of the London Vocal Project led by Pete Churchill who ran the excellent ones we've been to the last couple of years, so I'm sure it will be great! If you'd like to come, please go ahead and book your ticket(s) to avoid disappointment. 

Please let me know (hello@jonwilson.coach or WhatsApp 07950434645) if you'd like to come for food and/or drinks afterwards!'

That's all for this week! See you on Thursday!

Love, The Sing! team. 

[Sing! Rehearsals] Rehearsal this week

Dear Sing!ers, 

We will be meeting as usual this Thursday 10th October in the Recital Room at Hills Rd 6th Form college from 7:30 – 9:15. There are still no updates on the QR code situation so continue as normal with entering the site please. We will start by recapping Don't Stop Me Now, and then we will finish learning both Livin' on a Prayer and Hallelujah for Today. 
Here is the link again if you are still having trouble receiving the links at the end of the email – do check your attachments as well please: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q95xCYf1eP66Eev6P65ii-zE6HcO8I58?usp=sharing'
We currently have the rather wonderful situation of a backlog of biscuits, so no more snacks this week please! We will use up what we already have first. 

1. Call for cabaret acts for concert on Saturday 14th Dec!

As usual, we'd like our concert to include a few 'cabaret' pieces – these are songs performed as a solo, duet or small group, rather than by the whole choir. They provide variety in the concert programme and give a chance for smaller groups to showcase their talent!  

We can only fit a certain number of these in each concert. Usually we have space for all offers, but occasionally we have to be selective. So, if you’re interested in offering a cabaret act, please email musicteam@singcommunitychoir.co.uk by end of Sunday 20th October, letting us know what song you’d like to do and roughly how many people will be involved. 

If you need to recruit other singers, please make an initial effort to do this before putting your idea forward (e.g. chat to others at rehearsals or post in our Facebook group). Also do think about what will be realistic to get together to a good standard in the time you have available. We’ll be in touch after the deadline to confirm which acts will be in the concert!

2. Solos

Thanks to everyone who has put themselves forward for a solo – we will be in touch with you soon. We are still looking for an alto or soprano to sing the solo in Never Gonna Not Dance Again, so do get in touch if you're interested in that one.

3. Final Call for Subs

Subs are now OVERDUE. Here are the details again if you haven't paid yet:

£35 for the term or £17.50 for concessions. Please pay whichever you can afford, concessions are self-declared with no questions asked.

Please pay by bank transfer using the details below asap. Please remember to add your name as a reference! Thank you!!

Any issues please catch Claire (Treasurer) or a member of the committee at rehearsal or send us an email.

Bank: The Co-operative Bank

Account name: Sing! Community Choir (leave the exclamation mark out if needed)
Sort Code: 08 / 92 / 99
Account Number: 65694684

Reference: <Your Name!>

4. Dates for your diary again if you missed last week

  • Mill Road Winter Fair – Sat 7th Dec, 2pm – St Phillips Church, Mill Rd. We'll sing a selection of the songs we've learnt this term, plus some sing-along carols.
  • Christmas Concert – Sat 14th Dec, 7.30pm – Netherhall School, Queen Edith's Way. Our main performance of the term – get it in your diaries now!
  • Winter Social “Sing's Got Talent!” – Thurs 19th Dec, 7pm – Cass Centre, Shaftesbury Rd. End-of-term celebration and talent show

That's all for now,

see you on Thursday! Love the Sing! team

Subs, solos and dates

Dear Sing!ers, 

Here is everything you need to know for our rehearsal on Thursday and more…
1. This Week
We will be meeting as usual in the Recital room at Hills Road 6th Form College this Thursday 3rd October from 7:30 – 9:15.  This week, we will be recapping Harbour, finishing learning Never Gonna Not Dance Again and Barbara Ann. 
If you miss a rehearsal or just need a bit of a reminder, it is really helpful to us if you practise using the pre-recorded audio tracks. The links to these can be found at the bottom of each rehearsals email and should look like this: 
'Find music, part tracks and lyrics for our current term on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q95xCYf1eP66Eev6P65ii-zE6HcO8I58?usp=sharing'
This week it will be the Tenors and Basses turn to bring snacks. 
2. Still no need for QR code this week

It looks like we will continue to enter without QR codes for a few weeks – just watch this space for updates! The code for the car park is 8945.
3. Please pay your subs if you haven't already
Subs for this term are now due – £35 for the term or £17.50 for concessions. Please pay whichever you can afford, concessions are self-declared with no questions asked.

Please pay by bank transfer using the details below by Friday 4 OctoberPrompt payment to help with planning would be greatly appreciated, and please remember to add your name as a reference! Thank you!!

Any issues please catch Claire (Treasurer) or a member of the committee at rehearsal or send us an email.

Bank: The Co-operative Bank

Account name: Sing! Community Choir (leave the exclamation mark out if needed)
Sort Code: 08 / 92 / 99
Account Number: 65694684

Reference: <Your Name!>

4. Dates for your diary!

  • Mill Road Winter Fair – Sat 7th Dec, 2pm – St Phillips Church, Mill Rd. We'll sing a selection of the songs we've learnt this term, plus some sing-along carols.
  • Christmas Concert – Sat 14th Dec, 7.30pm – Netherhall School, Queen Edith's Way. Our main performance of the term – get it in your diaries now!
  • Winter Social “Sing's Got Talent!” – Thurs 19th Dec, 7pm – Cass Centre, Shaftesbury Rd. End-of-term celebration and talent show
5. Solos
If you would like to try singing a solo this term, the following are available. Either have a word with one of the Music team or else reply to this email to let us know. 
  • Harbour – 2 solos available – would suit any voice part
  • Hallelujah – 1 or 2 solos available – would suit an alto or mid/high tenor
  • Never Gonna Not Dance Again – 1-2 solos available – would suit a soprano or alto
  • Livin' On A Prayer – 2 solos available – would suit a soprano or alto, or possibly a bass
That's all for this week – we look forward to seeing you on Thursday, 
Love, the Sing! team.